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- EUR could touch the lowest point in near future 2019.02.24
- Effect of minutes of the Fed would not remain for a long time: still good time to buy US Treasuries. 2019.02.22
- Japanese stock market is more limited than other stock markets. 2019.02.16
- GM CEO Merry Barra's comment about Electric Vehicle of GM 2019.02.07
- Japanese QE never stops and it drains volatility of regional stock market. 2019.02.06
- US Fed ensured dovish stance. 2019.01.31
- ECB is worrying about regional economy eventually. 2019.01.16
- The best quarters for the US brokers and European banks' hard time 2019.01.15
- The band of 10y US T-Note yield. 2019.01.15
- The reasons why Bullish stock market should proceed during first half of this year. 2019.01.10